FIFA embraces its responsibility to respect human rights across its operations and relationships.
FIFA’s Human Rights Policy elaborates on this statutory commitment and outlines FIFA’s approach to its implementation in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Since 2016, FIFA has built a strategic programme to embed respect for human rights across the organisation’s operations and relationships.
With respect to FIFA competitions, this programme involves measures such as:
integrating human rights requirements into bidding processes for competitions and as a factor in the subsequent selection of the hosts;
developing event-specific human rights risk assessments and risk mitigation strategies covering salient topics such as labour rights, anti-discrimination, press freedom and freedom of expression;
establishing and implementing grievance mechanisms and working to ensure remediation where adverse impacts have occurred; and
reporting on the due diligence steps taken.
Meanwhile, FIFA’s endeavours with respect to its role in governing and developing football include:
working with its member associations on the development and implementation of anti-discrimination action plans, as well as the promotion of disability football;
integrating human rights-related criteria for the provision of development funds to its member associations; and
embedding respect for the rights of players and other people involved in the game within the relevant regulations.
Throughout its work in this area, FIFA engages and collaborates closely with external human rights stakeholders.
Who at FIFA is responsible for this initiative?
This is an initiative run by the Social Responsibility and Education Division as part of the work done towards the strategic objective Goal 6.
More initiatives related to Human rights & anti-discrimination.