Football Tribunal


According to article 54 of the FIFA Statutes, the Football Tribunal shall pass decisions relating to football-related disputes and regulatory applications. The Football Tribunal is composed of three chambers:

  • the Dispute Resolution Chamber (DRC);

  • the Players’ Status Chamber (PSC); and

  • the Agents Chamber (AC).

The functions of the Football Tribunal are governed by the Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal (Procedural Rules), as issued by the FIFA Council. The jurisdiction of the Football Tribunal to make decisions is set out in various FIFA regulations, including the Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players (RSTP) and the Regulations Governing the Application of the FIFA Statutes (RGAS).

In case you have any question or doubt related to the Football Tribunal, please check the FAQs

FIFA Mediation Mediation is a flexible process conducted confidentially in which a neutral person actively assists the parties in working towards a negotiated agreement to settle a dispute.

Dispute Resolution Chamber


The Dispute Resolution Chamber (DRC) decides on the basis of equal representation of players and clubs, with an independent chairperson. According to article 22 paragraph 1 a), b), d) and e) of the RSTP, the DRC has jurisdiction to adjudicate on:

  • disputes between clubs and players in relation to the maintenance of contractual stability where there has been an ITC request;

  • employment-related disputes between a club and a player of an international dimension;

  • disputes relating to training compensation and the solidarity mechanism between clubs affiliated to different associations; and

  • disputes relating to training compensation and the solidarity mechanism between clubs affiliated to the same association, provided that the transfer of a player at the basis of the dispute occurs between clubs affiliated to different associations.

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Latest Decisions

19 Aug 2021

Almeida Monteiro

19 Aug 2021


19 Aug 2021


19 Aug 2021


17 Aug 2021


Players' Status Chamber


According to article 22 paragraph 1 c) and f) of the RSTP, the PSC has jurisdiction to adjudicate on:

  • employment-related disputes between a club and a coach of an international dimension;

  • employment-related disputes between an association and a coach of an international dimension; and

  • disputes between clubs affiliated to different associations.

Pursuant to article 19, Annexe 1 and Annexe 3 of the RSTP, as well as the RGAS, the PSC has jurisdiction to adjudicate on regulatory applications regarding:

  • the international transfer or first registration of a minor;

  • a limited minor exemption;

  • an intervention by FIFA to authorise the registration of a player;

  • a request for eligibility or change of association; or

  • the late return of a player from representative-team duty.

Christian Eriksen of Denmark takes a corner kick

Latest decisions

Agents chamber


The Agents Chamber of the Football Tribunal will deal with any disputes as from 1 October 2023 and regarding Representation Agreements entered into by a football agent and Clients on or after the said date. All other disputes shall remain with the relevant dispute resolution bodies of FIFA member associations.

The Agents Chamber shall be composed of: a) a chairperson and one deputy chairperson; and b) the necessary number of members as decided by the FIFA Council, appointed at the proposal of member associations, confederations, players, clubs, leagues, and football agents.

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